Scale and polish
A scale and polish plays a vital role in our COHAT ethos. Our veterinary team give your pet's mouth a deep clean, descaling tartar build up from the teeth surfaces and make an assessment of their dental and oral health.
Dental x-ray
We offer digital dental x-rays of your pet's teeth. This is the gold standard in general practice of assessing your pet's oral health. The x-ray creates radiographs - these radiographic images enable our veterinary team to assess the health of the teeth above and below the gumline.
We use x-rays to image abscesses, decay, fractures etc.
X-rays also play a vital role in correctly mapping your pet's mouth.
Dental diet
Just like their human counterparts our pet's diet plays a role in the status of their oral health.
A group of researchers (Buckley et al. 2011) looked into the role diet plays on dog and cats oral health. They carried out a survey on over 17,000 dogs and over 6,000 cats
The data they collected indicated the following about how the type of diet you feed your pets could increase their chances of developing oral health problems;
Dry diet - 22%
Dry and wet food - 30%
Home-prepared diet - 41%
A dry diet is a simple change to your pet's daily dietary routine that can help reduce the incidence of dental issues.
We offer a range of prescription dental pet food and dry food with dental technology in our branches. Chat to a member of our team if you wish to find out more. If you want to feed your pet a food with dental benefits, we recommend you pursue a high quality dry food formulation.
Toothbrushing at home
Yes! Brushing your pet's teeth is a "thing". In fact it's a very useful routine to implement for a whole host of reasons.
- Reduces the risk of you pet being head shy
- Prevents plaque buildup
- Makes oral checks when visiting the vet a lot more pleasant
When to start?
Start as soon as possible but don't rush into it. It is best to build up the process so your pet can get used to the idea of a quick daily toothbrushing session.
A toothbrush should only be introduced when a puppy and kitten have all their permanent teeth.
Toothbrushing Tips
Be patient - this is a step by step process, but it will pay off.
Decide if you will use toothpaste in your routine. A routine that includes it is more effective at gaining results but the act of physically brushing alone does have some level of action against plaque build up.
DO NOT use foaming or fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride can cause toxicity with excessive ingestion.
- Gently pull the upper and lower lips back to check there are no painful areas before you begin.
- Place a finger or cotton bud on the outside of the mouth and then under the lips to allow your pet to get used to their mouth being handled.
- Introduce toothpaste into the regime once your pet is used to their mouth being handled. Increase the amount of time you spend each day massaging the toothpaste around the teeth and gums. Always start at the back of the mouth and work towards the front.
- After approximately 10 days you may introduce a pet tootbrush.
- Apply the toothpaste to the toothbrush and gently press it into the bristles.
- Again, gently brush from the back of the mouth first and work towards the front.
- Initially aim to brush the sides of the teeth that you can see when their teeth are closed. Work up to brushing the tops and sides of the teeth that are against their tongue.
- There may be some bleeding from the gums when you introduce the toothbrush initially. It is not painful and usually indicates gingivitis (inflammed gums). This should settle down and stop after five days of conseceutive brushing.
- Bleeding that lasts longer than this requires a veterinary dental check up.
Pet Dental Water Additive
The easiest way to support your pet's dental health and hygiene is the use of a water additive. We stock a water additive that helps to reduce plaque and tartar formation and freshen breath. It is tasteless and odourless so very useful for picky eaters. It is also very useful if your pet is head and mouth shy. Simply add one capful (5ml) to 1L of water and use daily for best results.